UP Board Half Yearly Exam 2023-24 Class 9 English Question Paper

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Here we have given UP Board Half Yearly Exam 2023-24 Class 9 English Question Paper.

Half Yearly Examination 2023-24

Sub: English Class-9

Time: 3:15 Hrs. M.M. 70

Note: (i) The first 15 minutes are allotted only for reading the question paper.

(ii) This question paper is divided into two sections

(iii) Section ‘A’ contains multiple choice questions. Candidates have to choose the correct option and write the answer in the answer script.

(iv) Section ‘B’ contains descriptive answer type questions.

(v) All questions are compulsory

(vi) Marks are indicated against question.


(Q.N. 1-3) Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow, choosing the correct option:-

The companionship of books is the best companionship and like all friendship which are sincere and true, grows sweeter with the passage of time. It contributes to the happiness of man and removes the sorrows that fall to the lot of all human beings. We can always turn to books for solace and comfort when over-burdened with the cares and worries of the world, when life appears to be dull and dreary, when the death of a beloved person makes one lose the realise of life or when illness or poverty brings disappointment and dejection. Buried in the mines of knowledge and information, we seems to be transported beyond the petty cares and anxieties of life, forget for the time being at least, the pains and troubles to which all flesh is subject and find ourselves in heavenly bliss, as it were.

1. According to the passage, which is the best companionship :-

1 (i) The companionship of books.

(ii) The companionship of friends

(iii) The companionship of great men

(iv) None of the above.

2. Books give us solace and comfort when :-

(i) we are under worries and cares

(ii) life appears to be dull and dreary

(iii) poverty brings disappointment and dejection

(iv) all of the above

3. Knowledge and information are helpful to remove :-

(i) cares and anxieties of life

(ii) pains and troubles

(iii) Both (a) and (b)

(iv) None of these

(Q. No. 4-8) Choose the correct options to answer the following:-

4. Father of the child looked at him :- 1

(i) red-eyed

(ii) closed eyes

(iii) with love

(iv) with affection

5. His presence in the house sill:- 1

(i) please all

(ii) creates silence

(iii) a secret

(iv) none of these.

6. The elephant reached the outskirts of our :- 1

(i) house

(ii) village

(iii) home

(iv) town

7. That night Mahendra enjoyed the most delicious :- 1

(i) Food

(ii) Dinner

(iii) Wine party

(iv) Meal

8. But the disciple would not listen to the guru’s :- 1

(i) Lecture

(ii) Debate

(iii) Speech

(iv) Wisdom

(Q.No. 9-10) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that folllow:-

She never looked back from that point onwards. She turned the United Kingdom with a youth orchestra and by the time she was sixteen, she had decided to make music her life. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of music and scored one of the highest marks in the history of the academy. She gradually moved from orchestral work to solo performances. At the end of here three-year course, she had caputred most of the top awards.

9. Name the lesson from which the above extract has been taken :- 1

(i) The sound of Music

(ii) The fun they had

(iii) A truly beautiful mind

(iv) Packing

10. Captured means :- 1

(i) Arrested

(ii) Detained

(iii) Held

(iv) Took into one’s possession

(Q.No. 11-13) Based on your understanding of the prose lessons choose the correct option to answer the following questions :-

11. Where did Bismillah Khan regularly go to sing Bhojpuri ‘Chaita’ :- 1

(i) Vaiswanath Temple

(ii) Bihariji Temple

(iii) Saraswati Temple

(iv) Rampurva Temple

12. The nature of Mr. Macdonald was very :- 1

(i) Jovial

(ii) Unkind

(iii) Irritating

(iv) Uncourteous

13. The doctor described the snake as the one :- 1

(i) Very poisonous

(ii) Taken with its own beautiful

(iii) Thick and ugly

(iv) That had bitten the thief

(Q.No.-14-15) Read the following stanza and answer the questions that follow:-

Every tinkle on the shingles

Has an echo in the heart;

And a thousand dreamy fancies

Into busy being start,

And a thousand recollections

Weave their air-threads into woof,

As I listen to the patter

Of the rain upon the roof.

14. Name the poet of the poem from which the above extract has been taken :- 1

(i) Coates Kinney

(ii) Phoebe cary

(iii) William Butler Yeats

(iv) Edward Lear

15. ‘Every tinkle on the shingles’ here refers to :- 1

(i) Every heartbeat

(ii) Every dream in mind

(iii) Every raindrop falling on the rooftop

(iv) Every imagination of the world

(Q.No.16-20) Based on your understanding of the lessons in the book ‘Moments’ choose the correct option to answer the following questions:-

16. A cat jumped………….the table :- 1

(a) on (b) at (c) onto (d) upon

17. It…… cats and dogs outside:- 1

(a) rains

(b) is raining

(c) rained

(d) all of these

18. She bought….. pair of shoes:- 1

(a) the

(b) an

(c) a

(d) no need of article

19. no/unturned/leave/stone/to:- 1

(a) No stone unturned to leave

(b) no stone unturned leave to

(c) to leave unturned no stone

(d) to leave no stone unturned

20. Which word is correctly spelled :- 1

(a) sorrowfuly

(b) sorrowfolly

(c) sorrowfully

(d) sorowfully


21. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:-

Once upon a time there lived a king who had a jester in his court. The king was very fond of him as he was an amusing fellow. So, the king allowed him a great deal of liberty. He did not mind much of his impertinent sayings. So, the jester became a perfect nuisance. It became his habit not to spare anybody. The court officials became tired of him but could not do anything because of the king’s favour. None of them dared complain against him. At last, however, the jester went too far. He offended the king who being angry condemned him to death. The jester fell on his knees and pleaded for life. But there was no effect. When he expressed much repentance, the king granted him one conession. He said, “You shall die but you may choose the mode of your dying.” The clever jester at once was full of joy. He took the advantage of the king’s mercy and said, “Your Majesty, I choose to die of old age.” The king accepted though he knew that the cunning fellow had misused the concession. Thus, the jester saved his life.

(a) Why was the king very fond of the jester? 2

(b) What was the habit of the jester? 2

(c) Why did the king condemn the jester to death? 2

(d) Write the opposite word of “amusing”. 2

22. Answer any one of the following:- 4

(a) Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to allow a change in the subjects offered by you.

(b) Write a letter to your local bookseller, asking him to send you some books by post/courier.

23. Answer any one of the following in about 80-100 words :- 6

(a) Write an article on ‘Alarming Growth of Population,” for your school magazing. You are Raj/Rajita. Take the help of the clues given below.

(i) Impact on the economy and environment

(ii) Migration to Urban areas.

(iii) Depletion of natural resources

(iv) High birth rate, low death rate, desire for male child.

(b) You attended an exhibition on fashion designing and teachnology at community hall, Lucknow. You were impressed by the exhibition.. Write a brief report of the exhibition. Your report should be written in 80-100 words.

24. (a) Rewrite the following by changing into indirect speech :- 2

He says, “I am learning the poem.”

(b) Change the following into passive voice :- 2

I write a letter.

(c) Punctuate the following:- 2

when george washington was riding along a road he saw some soldiers.

(d ) Translate the following into English: 4

एक बार एक जंगल में एक बूढ़ा शेर रहता था। वह इतना कमजोर था कि शिकार नहीं कर सकता था। उसने मुट्ठी भर राख ली और अपने चेहरे पर मल दी। उसने अपने माथे पर एक लाल तिलक लगाया। वह साधु-सा दिखाई देता था। सड़क के किनारे बैठ गया और शिकार की प्रतीक्षा करने लगा।

25. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each :- 4

(a) How does Tommy describe the old kind of teachers? or According to Evelyn, “What is the key of success?”

(b) Why did Kezia always stutter while talking to her father? Or

Why did the doctor feel that he was quite near death?

26. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words :- 4

(a) Who helped Evelyn Glennie to continue with music? What did he do and say?

(b) Describe the role of the mirror in the sroty The Snake and the Mirror’?

27. When the poet mentions that no men are strange and countries foreign, what is it that we think of”? (in about 40 words) 4 Or

Write four lines from any poem prescribed in your syllabus. (Do not copy the lines given in the question paper)

28. Write central idea of any one of the following :- 3

(a) The Road Not Taken

(b) Wind

(c) The Lake Isle of Innisfree

29. Answer any one of the following in about 30-40 words. 3

(a) What was the child’s favourite sweet? Was he able to get it?

(b) How did the justice taken full circle as the king puts it?

30. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words :- 4

(a) Why did the grandfather take Toto to Saharnpur and how? Why did the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?

(b) How does the guru manage to save his disciple’s life?


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