UP Board English Class 10 Question Paper 2024

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Here we have provided UP Board English Class 10 Question Paper 2024 which may be helpful for your upcoming Board Exams.

मुद्रित पृष्ठों की संख्या: 11

Paper Code: 917  817(HK)

अनुक्रमांक …………………………………..

नाम …………………………………………..

2024 Subject: English (अंग्रेजी)

समय : तीन घण्टे 15 मिनट पूर्णाक: 70


(i) First 15 minutes are allotted for the candidates to read the question paper.

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) This question paper has two Parts – Part-A and Part-B.

(iv) Part-A consists of 20 multiple choice questions of one mark each that have to be answered on OMR Answer Sheet by darkening completely the correct circle with blue or black ballpoint pen.

(v)  For Part-A read the question-wise instructions and mark your answer on the given OMR Answer Sheet only. Do not erase, cut or use whitener on the OMR Answer Sheet after answering.

(vi) Marks of the questions are mentioned against them.

(vii) Part-B consists of descriptive type questions of 50 marks.

(viii) All the questions of Part-B are to be attempted all at a time.

(ix) Start from the first question and go up to the last question. Do not waste your time on the question you cannot solve.


(Q. Nos. 1-3): Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct option to answer the questions that follow:

Akbar was a boy of thirteen when he became the king of Delhi. At the time when Akbar was born, Humayun, his father, was a wanderer in Sindh because he had been defeated by Sher Shah. When, Akbar was only one year old, he was taken away from his parents and was brought up in Persia by Bairam Khan. Akbar came back to India with Humayun. Soon, his father died.  Even as a young man Akbar looked like a king. He was about 5 feet 7 inches tall and had a strong body, a broad chest and long arms. He liked riding and spent a lot of time on horseback.

1. Why did Akbar become the king of Delhi in such a young age? 1

(A) He was an orphan

(B) He was dependent

(C) He was intelligent

(D) He lost his father

2. What did Akbar like?  1

(A) Administration

(B) Playing with his close friends

(C) Riding

(D) Chess

3. Which word in the passage is opposite of ‘Narrow”?  1

(A) Wanderer

(B) Broad

(C) Little

(D) Spread

(Q. Nos. 4-8): Choose the correct option to answer the following:

4. Students have left the classroom before the teacher 1

(A) will enter

(B) has entered

(C) entered

(D) enters 

5. If you want something more, you are 1

(A) dissatisfactory

(B) dissatisfying

(C) dissatisfied

(D) dissatisfaction

6. Rearrange the following word clusters to make a meaningful sentence: 1

work/their/done / will/they / have / why / not?

(A) Why they will have not done their work?

(B) Why will they not have done their work?

(C) Why have they not will done their work?

(D) Why their work they will have not done?

7. Which of the following words is misspelt?  1

(A) Commander

(B) Commandent

(C) Commercial

(D) Commissioner

8. Boys were jumping the pond.  1

(A) in 

(B) between

(C) upon

(D) into

(Q. Nos. 9-10): Read the passage given below and choose the correct  option to answer the questions that follow:

So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the postmaster came up with an idea answer the letter. But when he opened it, it was evident that to answer it, he needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper. But he stuck to his resolution he asked for money from his employees, he himself gave part of his salary, and several friends of his were obliged to give something for act of charity.

9. The postmaster answered the letter  1

(A) as he was a good friend of the writer

(B) as he was dutiful

(C) as he did not want to help the writer

(D) in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God 1

10. Who is the ‘writer’ described in the paragraph ? 1

(A) G. L. Fuentes

(B) The Postmaster

(C) Lencho

(D) Postman

(Q. Nos. 11-13): Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

11. A man who takes away another man’s freedom is a ……. Of hatred. 1

(A) friend

(B) brother

(C) supporter

(D) prisoner

12. In the summer of 1941 Grandma …….. and had to have an operation. 1

(A) was well

(B) was unwell

(C) fell ill

(D) got irritated 1

13. The land between Mysore and Mangalore is ……….. by a proud race of martial men and beautiful women. 1

(A) left

(B) inhabited

(C) filled

(D) surrounded

(Q. Nos. 14-15): Read the given extract and choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

The true Chameleon is small,

A lizard sort of thing

He hasn’t any ears at all

And not a single wing

If there is nothing on the tree,

Tis the chameleon you see.

14. What sort of thing is a chameleon ?  1

(A) A dove

(B) A pigeon

(C) A serpent

(D) A lizard

15. What do you see if there is nothing on the tree?  1

(A) A sparrow

(B) A parrot

(C) A chameleon

(D) A peacock

(Q. Nos. 16-20): Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

16. What kind of citizen was Horace Danby thought?  1

(A) Dishonest

(B) Kind hearted

(C) Poor

(D) Honest

17. By whom was Horace Danby tricked?  1

(A) A young boy

(B) A handsome boy

(C) A clever young lady

(D) An old man

18. What did Griffin do in revenge when his landlord tried to eject him?  1

(A) Left the house

(B) Began to abuse

(C) Set fire to the house

(D) Started jumping

19. Mrs. Hall was convinced that the room was haunted by  1

(A) spirits

(B) evil souls

(C) dead bodies

(D) ghosts

20. One thing that Richard Ebright could do is  1

(A) play football

(B) collect things

(C) swim across

(D) play baseball

PART – B  (Reading)

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

The bulk of our population is poor and illiterate. Their sorry condition poses a problem. On the one hand, there is a shortage of teachers for adult education and, on the other, the adults feel shy of starting to learn at a late age and attend classes like children. Moreover, the adult villagers have little time to spare for attending classes. The job of a farmer is very strenuous and he needs ample rest and relaxation. In addition, he finds that what is taught at adult centres of education has no bearing on his daily needs and therefore he has become cynical about adult education. It is necessary to make adult education in villages agriculture-oriented so as to make it more meaningful for the farmer. In towns and cities also, adult education needs to be made work-based. It should comprise types of system in which earning and learning go together side by side. Efforts should be made to discourage the tendency of the village folk to migrate to the towns.

(a) Why does an adult feel shy of learning at a late age? 2

(b) Why does a farmer need rest and relaxation? 2

(c) “In towns and cities, adult education needs to be made work- based.” What meaning do you draw from this statement? 2

(d) Which word in the passage is opposite of ‘Bold’? 1


2. Write a letter to your father explaining why you could not get good marks in Science. 4

OR  Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to provide some more furniture to your class.

3. Write a report on ‘Importance of Trees’ in about 80-100 words.  6

(Hints: Essential for all beings; provide foliage and fruits; food and shelter for cattle; useful to human beings; keep environment clean; plant and protect trees)

OR  Write an article on “An Important Day in my Life’ in about 80 -100 words.

(Hints: Which day is important; why it is important; what happened that day; how you enjoyed it)


4. (a) Rewrite the following sentence by changing into indirect speech: 2

Rakesh said to Meera, “Have you completed your work?”

(b) Change the following into passive voice: 2

Why does he beat his brother ?

(c) Punctuate the following:  2

my father said to rajoo you should not waste your time on Sundays

(d) Translate the following into English:  4

आज हमारे प्रधानाचार्य अबकाश ग्रहण कर रहे हैं। वे कॉलेज में 1980 से कार्य करते रहे हैं। वे सभी अध्यापकों के साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करते रहे हैं। सभी विद्यार्थी उनका बहुत सम्मान करते हैं।


5. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

(a) What was only one hope that Lencho thought?  3

OR What was the result of the sights that Siddhartha saw?

(b) What is the greatest wealth of South Africa, according to Nelson Mandela? 3

OR Who raised the voice, “Stop the bus! Stop the bus !” and why?

6. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words: 4

(a) What does Anne write in her first essay ?

(b) Describe the sights that moved Buddha.

7. What is the difference between a tiger in the zoo and the tiger in its natural habitat? (40 words) 3

OR Write four lines of any poem prescribed in your syllabus.  (Do not copy the lines given in the question paper)

8. Write the central idea of any one of the following poems (in about 40-50 words): 3

(a) Amanda  (b) The Ball Poem (c) For Anne Gregory.

9. Answer any one of the following in about 30-40 words: 3

(a) Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki ?

(b) What kind of a person is Loisel’s husband ?

10. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words: 4

(a) Why does Anil not hand over the thief to the police ?

(b) What was the cause of Matilda’s ruin? How could she have avoided it?


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