U P Board Pre Board Exam 2023 English Class 10 Question Paper

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Here we have given U P Board Pre Board Exam 2023 English Class 10 Question Paper.

U P Board Pre Board Examination-2023

Class-X Subject-English

Time: 3.00 hours M. M. 70

General Instructions:

i. The question paper is divided into two Section A and B.

ii. Section-A contains multiple choice questions. You have to choose the correct option and answer in the answer script.

iii. Section -B contains descriptive answer type questions.

iv. All questions are compulsory.

Section – A MCQs. – 20 mark

Q 1-3. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions choosing the correct options.

It is common knowledge that school children are under great pressure to perform well in all fields, study ten subjects, play games and develop an impressive image. How do they manage? The skills, techniques and principles which they pick up while still young help them cope.

Two of twentieth century’s finest minds have lamented that schools are not teaching the basics of personal excellence or the science of success. “Almost all of what a child learns at school after the age often is totally irrelevant to his need in later life. Most schools do not teach thinking at all.” We need to understand that management must be taught as a school subject. The weightiest argument is that children are managers.

Many of children are called upon to play directly three of the interpersonal roles: ‘Figurehead’, ‘Leader’ and ‘Liaison Officer’. They do this while assisting teachers as monitors or group leaders, while captaining teams on playgrounds and while leading teams in competitions. Many more play these roles as surrogates.

The decision role of ‘Entrepreneur’ and ‘Resource Allocator’ may only occasionally be assigned to children. However, it is worth nothing that, according to a recent survey in Delhi, a monthly allocation of up to Rs. 1000 is available as pocket money to school children. Therefore, they too need to have control over money and to develop a sense of budget. It we add to these financial resources to the resources of time, information and intellect available to children, we find that the decision making roles are not irrelevant to them. Children play the other two decision roles; Disturbance Handler’s and ‘Negotiator’ more often.

Children are management in the making. Many of the management habits (e.g., using a to-do list), management skills (e.g. Sensitive listening), management attitudes and values are formed early in life. Personality theorists believe that it is extremely difficult to change personality trains. Styles of thinking and habits of behavior once they are formed.

As in language learning, where basic and abstract aspects of language like pronunciation and rhythm are extremely resistant to learning after puberty, good management habits, attitudes and values are difficult to acquire and swimming, often felt to be forbidden by adults are easily learnt by children. In fact, both research evidence and specialists strongly support the view that children’s ability to learn skills like swimming and creative thinking is much more developed than adults. Equally important, complex organisms (a) learn what is necessary or pleasurable and (b) adapt themselves in ways that will serve their needs and interests with amazing enthusiasm, ease and effectiveness.

1. What is the reason of pressure on children – 1

i. Common knowledge

ii. absence of skills

iii. Choice between studies and games

iv performance demand in all fields

2. Which of the following lists the skills that can be developed at an early stage? 1

a. Language

b. Management

c. Human values

d. Creative thinking

e. Personality traits

f. Logical reasoning

i. a and d

ii. Only b

iii. b, c, d, and e

iv. All of these

3. The article advocates teaching…….as a subject in school. 1

i. management

ii. Creative thinking

iii. computer skills

iv. swimming

Q 4-8 Choose the correct option to answer the following.

4. I was in ….Japanese restaurant. …restaurant served good food. 1

i. The, the

ii. A, The

iii. The, no article

iv. An, the

5. Rearrange the word clusters to make a meaningful sentence. 1

poverty/the village people / from/ most suffer/ of

i. The village people suffer from most of poverty.

ii. Poverty suffer from most of the village people.

iii. Most of the Village people suffer from poverty.

iv. None of the above.

6. These days, Rahul ………. his homework very often. 1

i. forgotten

ii. Forgot

iii. Forget

iv forgets

7. Which of the following word is correctly spelled? 1

i. Employble

ii. Ganerous

iii. Leisure

iv. Pattren

8. My brother…………in Kanpur for ten years. 1

i. lives

ii. lived

iii. has been living

iv. in living

Q. 9-10 Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow-

Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house and the people pitied her and said, “Here is mustard seed, take it!” But when she asked, “Did a son or daughter a father or mother, die in your family?” They answered her,” Alasl the living are few, but the dead are many. Do not remind us of our deepest grief.” Kisa Gotami became weary and hopeless, and sat down at the wayside watching the lights of the city, as they flickered up and were extinguished again.

9. Who was Kisa Gotami? 1

i. Gotami Buddha’s wife

ii. Gotami Buddha’s sister

iii. A lady whose son had died

IV. Gotami Buddha’s neighbour

10. What happened to Kisa Gotami in the end? 1

i. She became hopeful

ii. She became mad.

iii. She became hopeless

iv. None

Q.11-13 Based on your understanding of the prose lessons. Choose the correct option to answer the following questions-

11. What saddened Valli? 1

i. The dead cow

ii. Car-accident

iii. the handicapped passenger

iv. all of the above

12. What was it that the nation needed to be liberated from? 1

i. Poverty

ii. Deprivation

iii. Gender discrimination

iv. all of the above

13. Who was fascinated by the vast stretch of the tea bushes? 1

i. Rajvir

ii. Pranjal

iii. Mr.Barua

iv. Rajvir’s aunt

Q 14-15 Read the following stanza and answer the question that follow.

He should be snarling around houses, / At the jungle’s edge, / Baring his white fangs his claws, / Terrorizing the village.

14. Which animal is the poet talking about in the extract above? 1

i. Lion

ii. Panther

iii. Leopard

iv. Tiger

15. Who are terrorized by the tiger. 1

i. The villagers

ii. The poet

iii. The birds

iv. None of these

Q.16-20 Based on your understanding of the lessons in the book ‘Foot- prints without feet’ choose the correct option to answer the following questions-

16. Which ingredients are required in the making of a scientist? 1

i. A first-rate mind

ii. Will to win for the right reasons

iii. Curiosity

iv. All of the above

17. Why did Matilda need the jewels? 1

i. To go to a party of rich people

ii. To get a replica made

iii. For a photoshoot

iv. For wearing them at home

18. What was the name of the cow Bholi had?

i. Lakshmi

ii. Gayatri

iii. Ganga

iv. Gaya

19. At the clinic the doctor gave Tricki- 1

i. fruits and vegetables

ii. no food for two days

iii. injection

iv. Chocolates

20. What was Anil’s profession as mentioned? 1

i. Writer

ii. Wrestler

iii. Shopkeeper

iv. Engineer


21. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

Success in life depends largely an good health Keep your body, fit by cleanliness, fresh air, regular habits and suitable recreations, make yourself strong to play the game and to do it in every sense of the word. Avoid anything that will sap your strength, smoking in your youth stunts the body and clouds the brain. Be temperate in all things and beware of drinks. It is the deadly enemy of health and efficiency.

Above all, remember that your character is a priceless posses- sion. Therefore, keep it untarnished. Be truthful in all things, courte- Cous and considerate to everybody. Be fair to your rivals, kind and helpful to all who are weak and do not be afraid to have the courage to stand for what is good, pure and noble.

a. What is the secret of one’s success in life? 2

b. Mention any two ways to keep good health. 2

c. Mention any two factors that affect health adversely. 2

d. Which word in the passage is the opposite of ‘rude’? 2

22. You are Sameer. Write a letter to your father informing him about your success in examination. 4


Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to issue the school leaving certificate.

23. Write any one of the following in about 80-100 word. 6


You are Rithik, the Environment Secretary of Blossom Public School. Write an article for your school magazine on how we, as individuals, can contribute to save our planet based on the visual given below.

Relentless burning of fossil fuels has led to an increase in the atmospheric temperature. We must follow the 3R’s of survival-Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.-We should reduce our daily wastage.


Write a short paragraph on ‘My Best Friend’.

24. Rewrite the following sentences as directed into brackets.

a. He said, “The sun rises in the east”. (change into indirect speech) 2

b. Poeple speak English all over the world.(Passive voice) 2

c. Punctuate the following- 2

are you coming to school with your father he said.

d. Translate the following into English :- 4

वृक्ष हमारे देश की अमूल्य निधि है। वृक्ष हमें केवल ईंधन व फल ही नहीं देते, बल्कि वे हमें इमारती लकड़ी भी देते हैं। हमें अधिक से अधिक पेड़ लगाना चाहिए। अनावश्यक रूप से पेड़ों को नहीं काटना चाहिए।

25. Answer the following in 30-40 words each. 6

a. Describe your views about Mr. Keesing as a teacher.


How did Valli feel on seeing the dead cow on the read.”

b. What is Coorg famous for?


Who was Lencho? What were his main problems?

26. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words. 4

a. What were the difficulties faced by Nelson Mandela in achieving freedom for his people?

b. What are the various legends about the origin of tea?

27. Write four line from any poem prescribed in your syllabus. (Do not copy the lines given in the question paper) 4


Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid, an orphan or Rapunzel?

28. Write the Central idea of one of the following. 3

a. Fire and Ice

b. The Trees

29. Answer any one of the questions in about 30-40 words. 3

a. How did Griffin enjoy in the big London Store?

b. How did Loisels manage to pay for the lost necklace?

30. Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words. 4

a. Discuss the role of Ebright’s mother in making him a scientist.

b. Give a character sketch of Bholi.


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