U P Board Half Yearly Exam 2022-23 English Class 11 Question Paper

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Here we have given U P Board Half Yearly Exam 2022-23 English Class 11 Question Paper.

U P Board Half Yearly Exam 2022-23 Question Paper

Subject: English Class XI

Time: 3.00 hours M.M.: 100

Note i. This paper is divided into four sections of A, B, C and D.

ii. All the sections are compulsory.

Section-A “Reading”

1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. 12 Marks

The defence mechanism of human body is a gift of nature provided to human beings. The power of our body to fight against various disease producing agents is known as defensive mechanism. This defensive mechanism depends upon various factors which can be categorized mainly into two types common factors and special factors.

Among the common factors, the most important is the health of human beings. We all know if we have a good health, our body automatically remains protected against the diseases. For keeping good health one should have nutritious balanced diet. A balance diet is that which contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins in proportionate amount.

The skin of our body saves us against many micro-organisms producing diseases, provided that it is infect. In case there are cuts or abrasions on it, the micro-organisms penetrate the body through those cuts and abrasions and can cause diseases. Therefore, a cut or an abrasions should never be left open. In case there is no bondage etc. available, it may be covered by a clean cloth.

Some bacteria reside on and inside the human body. There are our friends and are useful for us. They do not cause any disease and by their presence they do not allow disease-causing organisms to settle on those places. For example, the micro-organisms, present in human saliva secrete a chemical which does no allow diphtheria causing bacteria to grow inside the oral cavity. Similarly, the bacteria residing in female genital tract make the media acidic which do not allow the disease causing organisms to grow and multiply.

The human body secretes a variety of fluids, which are killers for disease causing micro-organisms which enter our body through food. Similarly, a substance called lysozyme secreted by eye glands saves us against many infectious disease of eyes, as it kills the bac- teria which go inside our eyes by contact or from environment etc. There are a few automatic activities of our body, known as “reflex phenomenon”, which protect the body against many infections. This reflex phenomenon includes sneezing, coughing and vomiting. Whenever any harmful or irritating substance enters our nose or goes inside our body via mouth or respiration, the body reacts against these and tries to expel that harmful substance from the body.

 a. What is defensive mechanism? What does it depend on?

b. What is a nutritious and balanced diet? Why is it important?

c. What are automatic activities of our bodies?

d. Find out the phrase from the passage that means ‘a process that helps to defend”.

e. Antonyms of ‘human’ is…………..

 Section-B “Writing”

2. You are Rohan/Sarika. You witnessed football match on your school Playground. Write a report on the event in about 150-200 words. 8 Marks


Make notes on the given passage and than make a summary of the passage with the help of the notes.

A good business letter is one that gets results. The best way to get results is to develop that in its appearance, style and content conveys information efficiently to perform this function. A business letter should be concise clear and courteous.

The business data must be concise: don’t waste words. Little introduction or preliminary chat is necessary. Get to the point, make the point and leave it. It is safe to assume that your letter is being read by a very busy person with all kinds of papers to deal with. Read and revise your message until the words and sentences you have used are precise. This takes time but is a necessary part of a good business letter. A short business letter that makes point quickly has much more impact on the reader than a long-winded rambling exercise in creative writing. This does not mean that there is no place for a style and even, on occasion, humour in the business letter. While it conveys a message in its contents, the letter also provides the reader with an impression of you, its author. The medium is part of the message.

Business letter must be clear. You should have a very firm idea of what you want to say and you should let the reader know it. Use the structure of the letter-the paragraphs topic sentences, introduction and conclusion-to guide the reader point by point from your thesis, through your reasoning to your conclusion. Paragraph often, to break up the page and to lend an air of organization to the letter. Use an accepted business letter format. Read what you have written from the point of view of someone who is seeing it for the first time, and be sure that all explanations are adequate, all information provided (including reference numbers, dates and other identification). A clear message clearly delivered, is the essence of business communication. The business letter must be courteous. Sarcasm and insults are ineffective and can often work against you. If you are right, point that our as politely as possible, explain why you are right, and outline what the reader is expected to do about it. Another form of courtesy is taking care of your writing and typing of the business letter. Grammatical and spelling errors (even if you call them typing errors) tell a reader that you don’t think enough of him or can lower the readers opinion of your personality faster than anything you say, no matter how idiotic. There are excuses for ignorance; there are no excuses for sloppiness. The business letter is your custom-made representative. It speaks for you and is a permanent record of your message. It can provide evidence on the time to invest in giving it a concise message, clear structure and a courteous tone.

3. Your school celebrated 75 years of Independence. Write an article in 150 words describing the way you took part and enjoyed it. 10 Marks


Write an essay on any one of the topics in about 150 words.

a. 75th Independence Day of India

b. The Scientist Like Most

c. Environment of Pollution

d. Our Democracy

4. You borrowed some books from school library. You are going to visit a sick relative so you cannot return the book in time. Write a letter to your principal telling him the reason and Request him to allow you to return the book when you come back.


There is a frequent power-cut and voltage fluctuations in your area Causing great inconvenience and damaging electrical appliances. Write a letter to the Assistant Engineer of the Electricity Board, Anpara, explaining the difficulty you face, seeking quick action.

Section-C “Grammar”

Answer the following – 20 Marks

a. Change into Indirect speech:

(i) The teacher said, “I shall start a new lesson today.”

(ii) The boy said, “Are you going to school”?

b. She is very poor. She can’t pay her fees. [Combine into simple sentences]

c. Who asked you questions? [Passive voice]

d. Correct the sentence- (Any One)

(ii) Let he play there. (ii) you are not believing me.

e. Use the given idiom/phrases verb in your own sentence. (Any One)

(i) a bed of rose (ii) a red letter day

f. Use the phrasal verb in your own sentence. (Any One)

(i) Ask for (ii) Look for

g. Give the synonyms for- (Any One)

(i) Admit, friend (ii) effort, strange

h. Give the Antonyms for- (Any One)

(i) Kind, careful (ii) fast, easy

i. Give on word for the following group of words. (Any One)

(a) A man who is an expert in chemistry is a…….

(b) a man who is not innocent is…..

j. Use the following words so as to bring out the difference in their meanings- (Any One)

(a) check, cheque (b) break, brake

6. Translate the following into English :- 8 Marks

हमारा देश महान है। हमारे इतिहास गौरवपूर्ण रहा है। पूर्व के देशों पर हमारी संस्कृति का प्रभाव है। पश्चिम के देशों पर भी हमारा गहरा छाप है। हमारे दर्शन और साहित्य ने पश्चिमी जीवन को प्रभावित किया है। आज हम उन्नति करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। हमारा कर्तव्य है कि हम देश की सेवा करें। हमें अपने मतभेदों को भुला देना चाहिए। हमें याद रखना चाहिए कि देश की उन्नति होगी तो हमारा भविष्य उज्जवल होगा।

Section-D “Literature”

7. Draw a character sketch of the grandmother. (Or) Who took the journey and what difficulties had he to face? 7 Marks

8. Answer any two of the following. 4+4 =8 Marks

a. Why were the sparrow not chirping and what did they do?

b. How many people were in the voyage? Who were they?

c. Who was Tut and what had happened to him?

9. Read the stanza and answer the questions. 6 Marks

The Laburnum top is silent, quite still

In the afternoon yellow September sunlight,

A few leaves yellowing, all its seeds fallen.

Till the goldfinch comes, with a twitching chirrup

A suddenness, a settlement at a branch end.

a. Who is the poet and what is he talking about?

b. What does September signify?

c. What is the effect of the goldfinch’s coming?

10. Write the Central Idea of one of the poems. 4 Marks

a. A Photograph b. The Voice of the Rain c. The Laburnum Top

11. Draw a character sketch of Mourad in the story “The summer of the Beautiful White Horse’


Write the character sketch of Ranga.

12.  Answer any two of the following. 4+4 Marks

a. Why did Mourad come to Aram’s house?

b. What did Mrs. Dorling learn in the story The Address”?

c. Which story do you like most and why? 4+4 =8 Marks


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