U P Board Half Yearly Exam 2022-23 English Class 10 Question Paper

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Here we have given U P Board Half Yearly Exam 2022-23 English Class 10 Question Paper.

Half Yearly Examination : 2022-23

Class-X Subject – English

Time: 2.30 hours M.M.: 70

Notes:- i. This questions paper is divided into two sections.

ii. Section-A contains multiple choice questions. Students have to choose the correct option and write the answer in the OMR sheet.

iii. Section-B contains descriptive answer type questions.

iv. All questions are compulsory.

v. Marks are indicated against each question.


(Q.No.1-3) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow, choosing the correct option.

The hopping kangaroo is a familiarly sight in every snapshot relating to Australia. Members of the Kangaroo family can be as small as a rat or as big as a man. Kangaroo are found mainly in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. Kangaroos, which are big-footed marsupials that evolved in Australia, use their short front legs like arms. The main sized kangaroos of Australia are capable of speeding upto 88km/hr. for short distance, their means of locomotion being their powerful hind legs, which carry them over them ground and jumps of 9 m or more at a time.

The tail is important for Kangaroos. It holds them in balance and supports them when they sit or fight against other Kangaroos. The Kangaroo uses its short legs are alarms. With them it scratches itself, clams its for and holds branches when it eats leaves. Kangaroos are marsupials and the females carry newborn in a pouch in front of their abdomens. The babies are born small and climb up into the safety of the pouch. There, for the next 225 days or so, they eat, sleep and grow. Once they reach full development, they leave the pouch. A young kangaroo that leaves the pouch is called of ‘Joey’.

1. Kangaroos found in Australia can run with a speed upto – (1)

i. 150 km/hr.

ii. 78 km/hr.

iii. 88 km/hr.

iv. 50 km/hr.

2. Kangaroo uses…….for alarms. (1)

i. find legs

ii. tail

iii. short legs

iv. pouch

3. A young kangaroo that leaves the pouch is called at the… (1)

i. baby

ii. marsupials

iii. Joey

iv. hoppers

Q. 4-8) Choose the correct option to answer the following-

4. ‘Madan jumped into the river’ Identify the verb. (1)

i. Madan

ii. river

iii. jumped

iv. into

5. My father has gifted me an expensive watch. Identify the adjective- (1)

i. gifted

ii. expensive

iii. father

iv. watch

6. He bought a bag for me. Choose the correct negative sentence. (1)

i. He did not bought a bag for me.

ii. He did not buy a bag for me.

iii. He has not bought a bag for me.

iv. He did not buyed a bag for me.

7. Choose the correct spelling- (1)


ii. Approching

iii. Appraoching

iv. Approachig

8. The road/of /obey/ we/ rules/ the/ must. Choose the correctly arranged sentences. (1)

i. The rules of the road must we obey.

ii. We must obey the road of the rules.

iii. We must obey the rules of the road.

iv. We obey the rules must of the road.

(Q.No. 9-10) Read the passage given below and answer the questions by choosing the correct alternative.

“God”, he wrote, “If you don’t help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes, because the hailstorm…”.

9. How much money did Lencho ask for? (1)

i. 100 pesos

ii. 100 paise

iii. 100 cents

iv. 100 rupees

10. The hailstorm…….. (1)

i. destroyed Lencho’s house

ii. destroyed Lencho’s crops

iii. destroyed Lencho’s family

iv. destroyed Lencho’s hope

(Q.11-13) Based on your understanding of the lesson of ‘First Flight’ book. Choose the most suitable alternative from the following.

11. Which party did Nelson Mandela join? (1)

i. Indian National Congress

ii. African Democratic Congress

iii. African National Congress

iv. African National Party

12. What change brought international leaders to South Africa? (1)

i. End of Apartheid

ii. Humanity

iii. Peace

iv. Trade negotiations

13. Lencho thought that the post office employees were… (1)

i. unhelpful

ii. bunch of crooks

iii. rude

iv. arrogant

(Q.14-15) Read the following extract and answer the questions by selecting the most appropriated choice.

“The way a crow, Shook down on me, The dust of snow, From a

hemlock tree.”

14. Who shook down the Hemlock tree? (1)

i. Robert Frost

ii. Snow

iii. dust

iv. crow

15. In what mood was the poet earlier? (1)

i. sad

ii. pleasant

iii. good

iv. doubtful

(Q.16-20) Based on your understanding of the lessons from Footprints without feet choose the correct answer.

16. …is the narrator of the story ‘A Triumph of Surgery’. (1)

i. Mr. Herriot

ii. Tristan

iii. Hodgkin

iv. Mrs. Pumphery

17. Who was Tricki? (1)

i. a cat

ii. a monkey

iii. a dog

iv. a rabbit

18. Who was Mrs. Pumphry? (1)

i. The maid

ii. The Caretaker

iii. The nurse

iv. The mistress

19. ‘Chauffeur‍’ means- (1)

i. gardener

ii. guard

iii. chef

iv. driver

20. For how many days the narrator kept an eye on the dog to give him no food but plenty of water? (1)

i. One day

ii. Two days

iii. Three days

iv. Five days

Section-B “50 marks”

21. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Penicillin is one of the most useful drugs invented by man. With its help we can heal wounds caused by bacteria which can not otherwise be healed. To begin with, very few people knew of this wonderful discovery or of its uses. First scientists and then ministers of governments were interested in it. Since penicillin could save the wounded soldiers, it could be helpful in war. So, they all decided to encourage the process of its manufacture. Vast factories were set up for preparing it. Lives of hundreds and thousands of soldiers were saved with its help.

Penicillin, when introduced into the stream of the human blood, acts as an aid to those parts which are always fighting the deadly germs. It has no power over every kind of bacteria, but certain kinds are destroyed by penicillin in the great majority of cases.

a. Where are the chief uses of penicillin? (2)

b. How does penicillin act in human body? (2)

c. Who were the first to be interested in penicillin? (2)

d. Find out the word from the passage which is opposite of the word ‘discourage’. (1)

22. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you three hundred rupees as you have to buy some books of class X. (4)


Write an application to the principal, DAV Inter college, Lucknow requesting him to grant you leave for four days because of your illness.

23. You are Mohan/Mohini, the Cultural Head of DAV Inter college, Lucknow. Your school recently celebrated the 76th Independence Day. Taking help from the Clues, write a report in about 80-100 words. (6)

Reception of the Chief guest, Clues:- Flag hoisting by the chief guest.

Cultural programmes- Patriotic song, dances, speech and drama., Address by the chief guest., Vote of thanks by the principal.


Gopal saw young children engaged in the following activities as shown in the pictures. He is sad to see the exploitation of children. Taking ideas from the pictures below together with your own ideas. Write an article on ‘Child Labour’. Sign yourself as Gopal. (word limit-80-100) (6)

24. a. Rewrite the following by changing into indirect speech. (2)

He said to me, “I have done my home work”.

b. Change the following into passive voice. (2)

My father opened the door.

c. Punctuate the following- (2)

the teacher said to the boys have you completed your homework.

d. Translate the following into English. (4)

राम ने अपने पिता के आदेश का पालन किया। वे चौदह वर्ष के वनवास के लिए तैयार हो गए। सीता और लक्ष्मण ने कहा कि वे भी उनके साथ जाएँगे। राम, लक्ष्मण और सीता जंगल को चल दिए ।

25. Answer the following questions in about 40 words.

a. What ‘twin obligations’ does Mandela mention? (2)


Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? (2)

b. What does courage mean to Mandela? (2)


Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coin’s

26. Answer any one question in about 60 words.

a. Was the act of the postmaster ‘On act of God’? Why/ why not? (2)

b. How did Mandela’s hunger for freedom’ change his life? (2)

27. What does the poet want to convey through the poem ‘Dust of snow? (4)


Write four lines from any poem described in your syllabus. [Do not copy the lines given in the question paper]

28. Write the Central Idea of the poem (Do any one) (4)

a. Fire and Ice

b. Dust of Snow

29. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words. (3)

a. What was the major fault of Tricki as diagnosed by Dr. Herriot?

b. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?

30. Answer any one question in about 60 words. (4)

a. Do you think there are also parents like Mrs. Pumphrey?

b. What would you have done if you had been in the narrator’s place in the story ‘A Triumph of Surgery”?


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