U P Board Annual Exam 2022-23 English Class 11 Question Paper

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Here we have given U P Board Annual Exam 2022-23 English Class 11 Question Paper.

Annual Examination-2023

Class-XI Subject – English

Time: 3.00 hours M.M.: 100


i. This paper is divided into four sections A, B, C and D.

ii. All sections are compulsory.


1. Give the answer any two of the following questions in not more than 60 words. (8)

a. How did the narrator and the grandmother become good friends?

b. How long did the narrator plan his Voyage to last?

c. What happened to the painter as he entered the cave?

2. Give the answer any two of the following questions in not more than 60 words. (8)

a. How did Aram, the narrator, fare in his solo ride?

b. How did the old lady satisfy herself about Ranga?

c. What feeling did the sight of cousin Mourad and the horse arouse in the narrator?

3. Give the Central Idea of one of the following poems. (8)

a. A Photograph

b. The Voice of the Rain

c. The Laburnum Top

d. Childhood

4. Point out the following figures of speech in any four of the following. (4)

a. Experience is the best teacher.

b. Nidhi comes to school regular irregular.

c. Life is a dream.

d. Let not ambition Mock their useful toil.

e. The cats mew.


5. Write a letter to the superintendent of police complaining about the incidents of theft and chain snatching in your area. (10)


Write a letter to your friend inviting him at occasion of your sister’s marriage.

6. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 200 words. (10)

a. Corruption in India

b. Covid-19 Corona Virus

c. Importance of Games at school

d. India’s performance at the Olympic games in Tokyo.

e. Pollution in India.


7. Change the following sentences into indirect form of speech. (8)

i. Shivam said to Shubham, “When do you go to school?

ii. The principal said to the student, “sit down in the class.”.

iii. Nidhi said to Neha, “Let us go to temple today.”

iv. He said to his friend, “I am not learning my lesson.”

8. Change the following as directed within the brackets. (6)

i. He went to Agra. He wanted to see the Taj. (Simple sentence)

ii. This is the Village. I was born here. (Complex)

iii. He was very poor. He left coaching centre. (compound sentence)

9. Transform the following sentences. (6)

i. No one knows you. (Interrogative)

ii. Vishal alone passed in the examination. (Negative)

iii. Do not insult the poor (Passive voice)

b. Correct any four of the following sentences. (4)

i. The Principal entered in to the class.

ii. My sister writes by pen.

iii. He died from corona virus.

iv. What is time on your watch.

v. Sachin is junior than Kapil.

vi. He is a SDO in Varanasi.

10. Translate the following into English :- (10)

अपनी मातृभाषा को निकृष्ट समझना हमारी भूल है । हमें संसार के साथ रहना और चलना है अतएव संसार की अन्य भाषाओं को सीखने की जरूरत है पर अपनी मातृभाषा के महत्व का ख्याल रखना भी बहुत जरूरी है। हम अंग्रेजी भाषा और साहित्य के विद्वान हो सकते हैं, पर शेक्सपियर या मिल्टन नहीं हो सकते। अंग्रेज हिन्दी भाषा और साहित्य का विद्वान हो सकता है, पर वह सूर या तुलसी कभी नहीं हो सकता। अच्छी किताबे हम मातृभाषा में ही लिख सकते हैं। इसलिए हमें अपनी मातृभाषा पर गर्व है ।


11. a. Write synonyms of the following words. (3)

i. Anger

iii. Conceal

iii. Deed

b. Write antonyms of the following words. (3)

i. private

ii. ugly

iii. Demand

12. a. Write homophones of the following words. (4)

i. Principal, Principle

ii. Soar, Sore

b. Substitute one word for the following expressions. (4)

i. A government of the people, by the people and for the people.

ii. One who knows many languages.

iii. Medical examination of a dead body.

iv. A place where birds, animals, etc are kept.

c. Use the following idioms/ phrases in your sentence. (4)

i. Bring out

ii. Look after

iii. put off

iv. In a nutshell


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