The Frog and The Nightingale by Vikram Seth

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Here we have given important question answers from the poem The Frog and the Nightingale by Vikram Seth.

The Frog and The Nightingale by Vikram Seth

Textual Question Answers

Q1. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, complete the sentences given below by choosing the appropriate option.

1. The frog’s aim was to-

(i) make the nightingale a sensation

(ii) make the nightingale as good a singer as him

(iii) maintain his supremacy in the bog

(iv) make a lot of money

Ans. (iii) maintain his supremacy in the bog

Q2. The animals reacted to the nightingale’s song with-

(i) hatred

(ii) admiration

(iii) indifference

(iv) suggestions for improvement

Ans. (ii) admiration

Q3. The nightingale accepted the frog’s tutelage as she-

(i) was not confident of herself

(ii) wanted to become as good a singer as the frog

(iii) wanted to become a professional singer

(iv) was not a resident of Bingle Bog

Ans. (i) was not confident of herself

Q. Read the stanza given below and complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate option.

Day by day the nightingale

Grew more sorrowful and pale.

Night on night her tired song

Zipped and trilled and bounced along,

Till the birds and beasts grew tired

At a voice so uninspired

And the ticket office gross

Crashed, and she grew more morose –

For her ears were now addicted

To applause quite unrestricted,

And to sing into the night

All alone gave no delight.

1. The nightingale was sorrowful and pale because-

(i) she had been practicing in the rain

(ii) she had been performing all night

(iii) she was losing confidence in herself

(iv) she was falling ill

Ans. (ii) she had been performing all night

2. The audience was tired of her song because-

(i) they had heard it many times

(ii) it had become mechanical

(iii) she looked tired

(iv) she had added trill to her song

Ans. (ii) it had become mechanical

3. She no longer enjoyed singing alone as-

(i) she wanted to sing only for titled crowd

(ii) she was now used to the appreciation she got

(iii) the frog was no longer with her

(iv) she had become proud of herself

Ans. (ii) she was now used to the appreciation she got

Answer the following questions briefly.

Q10 (a). How did the creatures of Bingle bog react to the nightingale’s singing?

Ans. The creatures of bingle bog reacted quite favourably and enthusiastically to the nightingale’s singing. The whole admiring bog stared towards the sumac tree. They heard her song raptly. When she finished her song they clapped loudly and excitedly.

Q10. (b) Which are the different ways in which the frog asserts his importance?

Ans. The frog croaked all night. He behaved like a critic with nightingale and posed himself as a great music composer. Later on he even scolded the bird to show his importance.

Q10 (c) Why is the frog’s joy both sweet and bitter?

Ans. The frog started selling the nightingale’s song for silver. He was filled with joy when he saw so many ladies of status and wealth coming to hear the nightingale’s song. More creatures meant more money to the frog but he was bitter as he was jealous of the nightingale.

Q10 (d) Why was the frog angry?

Ans. The Frog became angry as the nightingale had not remained a source of earning and profit for him. The ticket office gross had crashed. The tired and uninspired voice of the nightingale couldn’t attract the creatures of the bingle bog.

Q10 (e) How did the frog become the unrivalled king of the bog again?

Ans. Before the arrival of the nightingale, the frog used to blare out from the sumac tree. Other creatures loathed his voice but they had no choice because neither threats not prayers could stop him. The nightingale attracted the whole admiring bog with her melodious songs. The cruel frog tired the innocent nightingale to death by forced and constant singing. After her death, the frog remained the unrivalled king of the bog again.

Discuss the following questions and write the answers in your note-books.

Q11 (a) Bring out the irony in the frog’s statement – ‘Your song must be your own’.

Ans. The Frog tells the nightingale that her song must be her own while he himself does not let her use her skills and talent in this field. He has restricted her entire freedom. Here lies the irony of the statement. In the beginning when the nightingale confessed that her song was original he immediately demeans her and tells her that it was nothing to boast about. Then after killing the nightingale the frog put the blame on the nightingale saying that she should have been original.

Q 11 (b) Do you think the end is justified?

Ans. The end faced by the innocent nightingale is beautiful yet justified. It portrays the truth where evil people have an upper- hand over the innocent ones. But it is natural that the innocence of the nightingale is killed by the cruel and crafty designs of evil symbolised by the frog.

Q11 (c) Do you think the nightingale is ‘brainless’? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Yes, the nightingale is ‘brainless’ because she doesn’t see into the things. She is innocent gullible and credulous to the extent that she believes whatever the frog says. She should have been more careful vigilant and should have had the ability to see beyond what the frog tells her.

I hope that you would have enjoyed the poem The Frog and The Nightingale by Vikram Seth. If you have any query regarding this chapter, please feel free to get in touch with me through comment box or social media and I assure you to resolve all your queries related to the topic as soon as possible.

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