NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Honeycomb Poem The Rebel By D. J. Enright

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Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Honeycomb Poem The Rebel By D. J. Enright.

The Rebel By D. J. Enright

About the Author

Dennis Joseph Enright (D. J. Enright), was a British academic, poet, novelist and critic. He was born on 11 March 1920 in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire,a county (प्रांत) in the West Midlands region of England, and educated at Leamington College and Downing College, Cambridge. He wrote “Academic Year” (1955), MemoirsOf A Mendicant Professor” (1969) and a wide range of essays, reviews (समीक्षा), anthologies (पद्य संग्रह), children’s books and poems. He died on31 December 2002 in London, United Kingdom.

Central Idea of the Poem

The poem “The Rebel” is composed by Dennis Joseph Enright in the form of unrhymed couplet (unrhymed couplets (दोहा) are formed by two consecutive lines of formal verse that do not share the same end-rhyme, but do share the same meter.)in which every next couplet is in opposite of its preceding (पूर्ववर्ती) couplet. This poem deals with the nature and attitude of a social rebel who does just opposite of what others do. He always tries to look different from others. Such a social rebel is neither dangerous nor vicious (ख़राब, अनैतिक deliberately cruel or violent). He does not make the other people’s lives miserable (दयनीय, दुखी). He comes with the new ideas and just tries to look different.

As in the poem the poet tells that when everyone has short hair, the rebel grows his hair long. When everybody lets his hair grow long, the rebel cuts his hair short. When others in the class talk, the rebel keeps silent. But when others are all quiet, the rebel breaks this silence. When other boys go to school in uniforms, the rebel wears colourful clothes. When other boys are in fancy dress, the rebel’s dress is simple. If others are dog lovers, the rebel prefers cats. But in the company of cat lovers, he praises dogs. When everybody longs for sunlight, the rebel longs for rain. When others go to the meeting, the rebel stays at home and reads books. When everybody agrees, the rebel disagrees.

Thus, the poet says that a rebel can be noticed and judged by his actions. Although it is a negative trait (लक्षण, विशेषता quality or characteristic) as the person breaks the rule and shows totally opposite traits of what is expected. He/she does not follow the general norms, instead he/she challenges the society. But ultimately, it can be said that such persons can also be productive as well as useful for the society.

In the concluding lines the poet says,
“It is very good that we have rebels.
You may not find it very good to be one.”

The poet here wants to convey a message to the society that the rebels are necessary because they help us look at life differently.They are also different from others and provide a source of mischief and amusement to others. But this practice will not suit everyone.

In another words, it is not good to be a rebel oneself because then the others would laugh at us and we would be scolded and met with indifference by everyone we disagree with.

Explanation of the Poem

When everybody has short hair,
The rebel lets his hair grow long. [Lines 1 – 2]

Short hairclosely cropped
Rebela person who goes against established rules

[In these lines the poet expresses the attitude of a social rebel. When every body keeps short and uniform hair or if the members of a society decide to have short hair, the rebel knowingly grows his hair long or you can say the rebel would have long hair. This, he does for the fact that he wants to look different from others.]

When everybody has long hair,

The rebel cuts his hair short.   [Lines 3 – 4]

[In these lines the poet says that the rebel goes against the custom and tradition of the society. When everybody or the rest of the society grows long hair, the rebel cuts his hair short. In another words,  as a mark of revolt, a rebel bears short hair if everyone settles for long hair. He does so in order to have a difference from others.]

When everybody talks during the lesson,

The rebel doesn’t say a word.  [Lines 5 – 6]

Duringthroughout the course or duration

[In these lines the poet expresses the thought when everybody orevery member of the society talks during a lesion or meeting, the rebel keeps silent/he keeps quiet because he wants to show his prominence or importance.]

When nobody talks during the lesson,
The rebel creates a disturbance.  [Lines 7 – 8]

Disturbancethe interruption to a set and peaceful condition

[The poet says when nobody talks during the lesson or meeting, the rebel creates disturbance by talking loudly just to look distinct (अलग). In a way when everyone is expected to keep quiet, a rebel doesn’t stop talking and creates nuisance for all.]

When everybody wears a uniform,
The rebel dresses in fantastic clothes.   [Lines 9 – 10]

Uniformprescribed dress
Fantasticodd, strange

[Here the poet says, the attitude of a rebel  is obvious (clear) in dressing up too. He does’t wear a uniform if everybody does. When every person of the society wears simple and uniform clothes, the rebel wears strange and odd clothes. He wants his appearance to be looked upon dignified (प्रतिष्ठित, गौरवशाली) and noble from others.]

When everybody wears fantastic clothes,
The rebel dresses soberly.  [Lines 11 – 12]

Soberlyin a simple manner/ gravely/ ordinary

[In these lines the poet says during celebrations and party time wheneverybody or all other members of the society wear attractive/queerand strange clothes, the rebel dresses himself very seriously and soberly.]

In the company of dog lovers,
The rebel expresses a preference for cats.          [Lines 13 – 14]

Preferenceliking/ choice

[The poet here says that a rebel takes the conversation to a different level. If some people love dogs as pet animals, the rebel talks about the usefulness of cats. In a way he prefers cats to dogs.]

 In the company of cat lovers,
The rebel puts in a good word for dogs.  [Lines 15 – 16]

[If a rebel is in company of those people who love cats, he prefers dogs to cats. He wants to look different at all costs.]

When everybody is praising the sun,
The rebel remarks on the need for rain.  [Lines 17 – 18]

Praisingप्रशंसा करना, बड़ाई करना speaking nicely about

[The poet says if people require the sunlight and praise the sun the rebel is against them. He says that the sun is not required and there is need for rain. In another word a rebel does’t praise the sun for its warmth and light as everyone does, instead, he remarks on the need for rain.]

When everybody is greeting the rain,
The rebel regrets the absence of sun.  [Lines 19 – 20]

Regretsfeel sorry

[When everybody of the society greets or welcomes and requires rain, the rebel says something about the sun. Or you can say when everybody welcomes rain, the rebel talks of sun. He feels sorry for the absence of the sun. According to him, there is need for the sunlight.]

When everybody goes to the meeting,
The rebel stays at home and reads a book.  [Lines 21 – 22]

[In these lines the poet says the ultimate goal or aim of the rebel is to go against (oppose or resist) the time and wishes of everyone around. When everybody or every members of the society goes to some gathering and attends the meeting, the rebel stays at home and keeps himself busy by reading a book indoors. He prefers to remain alone when others are engaged in socializingor meetings.]

When everybody stays at home and reads a book,
The rebel goes to the meeting. [Lines 23 – 24]

[When everybody of the society stays at home and reads a book, the rebel tries to find some crowd of the people and wants to attend to them or  you can say the rebel thinks of going to attend the meeting when others feel to stay indoors and read their books.]
When everybody says, Yes please,
The rebel says, No thank you.   [Lines 25 – 26]

Yes, pleaseagrees, answers in the affirmative

[When every person asks for something, the rebel rejects the same with thanks. Because he is a person quite different from others.]

When everybody says, No thank you,
The rebel says, Yes please.  [Lines 27 – 28]

[When everybody of the society does not like and does not receive anything and says thanks, for that, the rebel, on purpose, requires that thing and asks for it.]

It is very good that we have rebels.
You may not find it very good to be one.  [Lines 29 – 30]

One(here) a rebel

[In the concluding lines of the poem, the poet says that it is very good that we have social rebels in the society. But naturally, it is not good to become a social rebel. The poet further suggests that if we already have the social rebels, we should tolerate them. Without them life will become  monotonous= (नीरस) humdrum, lacking excitement or variety) and dull.]


Thus, through this poem the poet tries to emphasize (ज़ोर देना) upon the importance of difference of opinion. If all people in society happen to have the same opinion then creativity and discussionswould come to a halt(stop, either permanently or temporarily).For the progress of any nation or state difference of opinion is a must. And the one opposing the majority may be a “rebel” or a loser for time being but in the long run he gives great benefits to his nation.

Working with the Poem

1. Answer the following questions.

(i) If someone doesn’t wear a uniform to school, what do you think the teacher will say?

Ans: If someone does not wear a uniform to school, the teacher would scold him and probably ask him to stand outside the class.

(ii) When everyone wants a clear sky, what does the rebel want most?

Ans:  When everyone wants a clear sky, the rebel wants rain the most.

(iii) If the rebel has a dog for a pet, what is everyone else likely to have?

Ans: If the rebel has a dog for a pet, then everyone else is likely to have a cat.

(iv) Why is it good to have rebels?

Ans:  It is good to have rebels because they are different from others and provide a source of mischief and amusement to others.

(v) Why is it not good to be a rebel oneself?

Ans:  It is not good to be a rebel oneself because then the others would laugh at us and we would be scolded and met with indifference by everyone we disagree with.

(vi) Would you like to be a rebel? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Ans: Yes, I would like to be a rebel because I want to change those norms of the society that do not serve the humanity.


No, I would not like to be a rebel because I don’t have the guts to oppose the majority and moreover I can’t hurt the feelings of the people. I don’t want to be a source of bitterness among the people.

2. Find in the poem an antonym (a word opposite in meaning) for each of the following words.

(i)   long (ii)  grow (iii) quietness (iv) sober (v)  lost

Answer: (i) Long – Short (ii) Grow – Cut (iii)Quietness – Disturbance (iv) Sober- Fantastic (v) Lost – Found

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