NCERT Solutions Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story By Axel Munthe

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Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story By Axel Munthe

The Bear Story By Axel Munthe (Summary)

This story is about a lady who lived in the manor-house on the border of a forest. She had a pet bear whom she had found in the forest, half dead of hunger, so small and helpless that it had to be brought up on the bottle by the lady and the old cook.

The little creature grew in size and strength. But he remained gentle, friendly and obedient. The three ponies in the stable knew him well. The children used to ride on his back. The three dogs loved to play games with him, and tease him. The pet bear had never tasted meat. He ate the same food as the dogs. Only some time in autumn he used to climb the tree and ate a few ripe apples. He also attacked the beehives and was punished. He was put on the chain only for the night and also on Sundays.

The lady used to visit her married sister on Sundays. It was a good hour’s walk through the forest. She used to put the bear on the chain to be on the safe side. One Sunday she was half way through the forest, when she saw the bear coming at full speed. He was panting. The lady got very angry. She was already late for lunch. She had no time to take him back home. She threatened to hit him with her umbrella. But the bear was not ready to go back. In anger she hit him hard with her parasol (umbrella). Then the bear turned round and walked back.

The lady came home in the evening. She found the bear sitting in his usual place. She was still very angry. She scolded him severely. She threatened to chain him for two more days. The old cook rushed out from the kitchen. She told the mistress that the bear had been very gentle and meek the whole day. He had been looking towards the gate for her to come back.

I hope that you would have enjoyed NCERT Solutions for lass 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 8 The Bear Story By Axel Munthe. If you have any query regarding this chapter, please feel free to get in touch with me through comment box or social media and I assure you to resolve all your queries related to the topic as soon as possible.

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