NCERT English Class 7 Sample Paper

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Here we have given NCERT English Class 7 Sample Paper which may be helpful for your upcomimn exams.

Subject: English Class: 7

Time: 3 hours [M.M.90]

General instructions:

(1) This question paper in divided into four sections: ABCD

(2) All the sections are compulsory.

(3) Read the instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.

Section-A (Reading) 20 marks

Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. [10]

The most important part of our life is spent at school. During this period we learn almost all the good things that we should acquire. School is the training ground for all virtues that make a good man. Here we first learn how to live a disciplined life. We read together, we sit together and we play together. Thus, we learn the value of collective effort in life. We learn the lessons of self- control, truth fullness, kindness, duty and many other good qualities. School life opens the eyes of the students to the virtues of punctuality and adjustment. Students are thankful for the lessons after wards. So when school days are over students leave the school with real regret.

(1) Which part of our life is spent at school?

(2) Why is school called the training ground for all virtues?

(3) How do we learn to live a disciplined life in School?

(4) What are the good qualities that we learn during our school life?

(5) Find words from the above passage which means same as 

 (a) Feel sad about the loss or absence of

(b) Obeying the rules.

Q2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set there on. [10]

People notice you wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whether you are on a bus or a train, or whether you are at the movie or in a store. Naturally, you want people to like what they notice about you. Sometimes it is hard to know what to say or what to do. Then you are embarrassed.  If you know what to do, you would not feel embarrassed, or at least, you would get over your embarrassment very quickly and have a good time. Good manners help out in these situations Manners are actually rules telling you how to be your best self.

(1) What would help us avoid embarrassment in public?

(a) Wearing fantastic clothes

(b) good manners

(c) Knowing yourself

(d) watching movies

(2) The important aspect of good manners are-

(a)  Knowing what to say

(b) how to dress

(c) How to act

(d) all of the above

(3) The synonym of the word embarrassed is –

(a) Kind

(b) well-being

(c) Ashamed

(d) to notice

(4) The title of the above passage may be-

(a) Embarrassment

(b) Good manners

(c) How to be your best self

(d) None of these

(5) The opposite of the word ‘well being’ is –

(a) welfare

(b) contented

(c) kind

(d) None of these

Section-B (Writing) [20 marks]

Q3. Write an application to your principal, requesting him to make arrangements for regular evening games.


Write a later to your friend, inviting him to your birthday party to be celebrated on October 28, 2023.

Q4. Write a paragraph on any one of the following. [10]

(a) A morning walk

(b) My first day at school

(c) Diwali festival

Section –C  (Grammar) [20 marks ]

Q5. Write synonyms of the following words: [4]

 Admit, faithful, honor, depend.

 Q6. Write antonyms of the following words. [4]

Clean, cruel, happy, active

Q7. Combine the following sentences using in infinitives. [4]

(a) We went to the cinema. We watched a movie.

(b) They have no spices. They cook their food.

Q.8 Fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs given in the brackets. [4]

(a)  He——– (leave) Delhi this morning.

(b) last night he (have) a nightmare.

(c) We———– (live) in this house for ten years.

(d) He——— (come) here next week.

Q.9 . Complete the following: [4]

(a) Slow and steady ——– the race.

(b) My friend and neighbour ——- here.

Section-D  (Literature) 30 marks

Q.10. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. [3]

(A) The kind people fed the pet with tide bits of fish from his own chopsticks, and all the boiled rice it wanted. Thus treaded, the dumb creature loved its protectors like a being with a soul.

(1) Who are the kind people referred here?

(2) What does the phrase a being with a soul refer to here?

(3) Find a word from the above passage which means the same as – a small tasty bit of food.

(B) Pull your socks up [ 3 ]

Stand up straight

Say thanks you

Don’t interrupt

No one thinks you’re funny

Take your elbows off the table

(1) When are you likely to be told this say thanks you?

(2) When do you think an adult would say this?

“No one thinks you are funny.”

(3) Name the poem and the poet.

Q11. Answer the followings questions: [ 20 ]

(1) Why did the neighbour kill the dog?

(2) Why did the daimio reward the farmer but punish his neighbor for the same act?

(3) What was the author’s opinion about Mr. Gessler as a boot maker?

(4) What are some of the signs of approaching winter referred to in the text?

 (5) Who abused Golu to go to  the Limpopo river?

Q12. Write ‘True’ or “False’ against each of the following. [ 4 ]

(1) soapy stole a man’s umbrella. [   ]

(2) soapy threw away the umbrella. [   ]

 (3) Golu’s relatives did not answer him questions because they were shy. [   ]

(4) The crocodile lay on the bank of the Limpopo river. Golu thought It was a dead crocodile. [   ]

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