English Grammar Practice Set with Answer Key for TGT, PGT, UGC NET Exams

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Here we have given English Grammar Practice Set with Answer Key which may be helpful for upcoming TGT, PGT and UGC NET Exams.

English Grammar Practice Set

Directions: (Q. 1- 3):  Choose the best alternative.

1. Adjective of body will be-

(a) Corpora (b) Bodily (c) Corporeal (d) All of these

2. Adjective of accent is-

(a) Accentual (b) Utterance (c) Accentuate (d) Accentuation

3. Fill up correct form of verb-

He ………………… in Allahabad for five years.

(a) has been living (b) have been living (c) is been living (d) will be leaving

Directions: (Q. 4- 14):  Choose the word which can be substituted for the given group of words:

4. Life history of man written by himself is called-

(a) Biography (b) Autobiography (c) Flexography (d) None of these

5. The study of the shape and features of land surfacesis called-

(a) Topography (b) biostratigraphy (c) encephalography (d) None of these

6. Visual art related to writing is called-

(a)  Bibliograph (b) Biography (c) Autobiography (d) Calligraphy

7. A list of writings with time and place of publication is called-

(a) Seismolog (b) Bibliography (c) Etiology (d) None of these

8. A study to the origin of words is called-

(a) Etymology (b)  Bibliography (c) Calligraphy (d) None of these

9. Incapable of being imitated is called-

(a) Unique (b) Exclusive (c) Distinctive (d) inimitable

10. A lover of mankind is called-

(a) theist (b) veteran (c) philanthropist (d) omnipotent

11. A person who has had long service or experience ina particular occupation or field-

(a) novice (b) recruit (c) veteran (d) apprentice

12. A nursery where children are cared for while theirparents are at work-

(a)  Home (b) Creche (c) School (d) None of these

13. An odd figure setup to scare away birds-

(a) Cannibal (b) carnivore (c) Bellicose (d) Scarecrow

14. A person who is out to destroy all government andorder-

(a)  Misanthrope (b) anarchist (c) Autocrate (d)  egoist

15. Choose the correct passive  voice form of the following sentence-

Rita writes a letter to him everyday.

(a)  A letter was written to him by Rita everyday.

(b)  A letter is being written to him by Rita everyday.

(c)  A letter will be written to him by Rita everyday.

(d)  A letter is written to him by Rita everyday.

16. The correct noun form of the verb approve will be-

(a)  Approval (b) Approved (c)  Approving (d) Approvingly

17. “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” Identify the figure of speech.

(a)  Hyperbole (b) oxymoron (c)  Personification (d)  metaphor

18. “Integrity is the backbone of character.” Which figure of speech has been used here?

(a)  Metaphor (b) Simile (c)  Personification (d) Onomatopoeia

19. Who among the following is known as nature poet?

(a)  Keats (b)  Shelley (c)  Byron (d)  Wordsworth

20. Who has written the line- “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high…”?

(a) RabindranathTagore (b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (c) Amitav Ghosh (d) None of these

21. ‘The Castaway’ a famous short story was written by-

(a)  Kamala Das (b)  Anita Desai (c)  Rabindranath Tagore (d) none of the above

Directions: (Q. 22- 27): Select the word similar in meaning to the given words-

22. Derogatory:

(a) Humiliating (b) Disparaging (c) Denigratory (d) All of the above

23. Accommodate:

(a) Shelter (b) billet (c) Obstruct (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

24. Intelligible:

(a) Comprehensible (b) Lucid (c) Understandable (d) All of these

25. Etymology:

(a) Development (b) Origin (c) Source (d) All of the above

26. Luscious:

(a)  Repulsive (b)  extravagant (c)  murky (d) pleasing

27. Lunacy:

(a)  Poverty (b)  Madness (c) Ownership (d)  Stability

Directions: (Q. 28- 34):  Select the word opposite in meaning to the given words:

28. Hostile:

(a) inimical (b)  belligerent (c)  contentious (d) hospitable

29. Reluctant:

(a)  hesitant (b)  unenthusiastic (c) inclined (d)  dubious

30. Delay:

(a)  moratorium (b)  postponement (c) Retard (d) Hasten

31. Rigid:

(a)  rigorous (b)  adamant (c)  austere (d)  pliant

32. Gaudy:

(a) fatal (b) frightful(c) thin (d) dull

33. Instinctive:

(a) forced (b) dusty(c) delicate (d) diplomatic

34. Enigmatic:

(a) trival (b) zealous (c) plain (d) huge

Directions: (Q. 35- 42): Find out the correctly spelt word:

35. (a) ilucidate (b) elucidate (c) elucidate (d) none of these

36. (a)  exile (b) exelle (c) exile(d)  axile

37. (a)  Exonerate (b) Exonarate (c)  Exonerat (d)  None of these

38. (a)  Exagerate (b) Exeggerate (c) Exaggerate (d)  All are correct

39. (a)  Enunciate (b)  Inunciate (c)  Ennunciate (d)  None of these

40. (a)  Gulliblle (b)  Gullibble (c) Gullible (d)  None of these

41. (a) Infalible (b)  Infallible(c)  Enfallible (d) None of these

42. (a)  Instigate (b)  Instegate (c) Instigete (d)  None of these

Directions: (Q. 43- 47): Choose the appropriate meaning of the Idioms-

 43. ‘At one’s beck and call’

(a)  Completely compliant (b) Obedient to another person (c) Under absolute control (d)  All of these

44.    Apple of one’s eye:

(a)  Very lovable (b)  Dearest one (c)  A cherished or favoured person. (d)  All of these

45.    A thorn in the flesh:

(a)  A constant or cause of annoyance (b) A persistent cause of frustration

(c)  A constant source of trouble (d)  All of these

46.    An axe to grind:

(a)  Something done for selfish reasons (b)  A complaint or dispute that one feels compelled to discuss

(c)  A personal motivation or selfish reason for saying or doing something (d) All of these

47.    An olive branch:

(a)  Peace request (b)  peace treaty (c)  an offering of good will (d)  All of these

48. Choose the appropriate preposition to complete thesentence:

The judge acquitted him ………. the murder charge.

(a) in     (b) of (c) at    (d) into

 49. Fill in the blanks with Past Perfect Continuous Tense-

 The doctor was very tired as……… alone.

(a)  he had been working (b) he has worked (c) he had worked (d) he was working

Directions: (Q. 50- 53):  Fill in the blanks with the correct options.

50. He remitted his ……….. in favour of his brother.

(a) statement         (b) plan          (c) calculation   (d) claim

51. John is ………… regarding his next step in life.

(a)  bewildered     (b) dilemma     (c)  confuse    (d)  confusion

52. Her corpse was carried to the burning ghat on a…

(a) ubamboo         (b) trolley         (c) bier        (d) pole

Answer Key

1. (d) All of these2. (a) Accentual3. (a) has been living4. (b) Autobiography
5. (a) Topography6. (d) Calligraphy7. (b) Bibliography8. (a) Etymology
9. (d) inimitable10. (c) philanthropist11. (c) veteran12. (b) Creche
13. (d) Scarecrow14. (b) anarchist15. (d) A letter is written to him by Rita everyday.16. (a)  Approval
17. (b) oxymoron18. (a)  Metaphor19. (d)  Wordsworth20. (a) Rabindranath Tagore
21. (c)  Rabindranath Tagore22. (d) All of the above23. (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’24. (d) All of these
25. (d) All of the above26. (d) pleasing27. (b)  Madness28. (d) hospitable
29. (c) inclined(d)  dubious30. (d) Hasten31. (d)  pliant32. (d) dull
33. (a) forced34. (c) plain35. (b) elucidate36. (c) exile
37. (a)  Exonerate38. (c) Exaggerate39. (a) Enunciate40. (c) Gullible
41. (b) Infallible42. (a) Instigate43. (d) All of these44. (d) All of these
45. (d) All of these46. (d) All of these47. (d) All of these48. (b) of
49. (a) he had been working50. (d) claim51. (a) bewildered52. (c) bier

I hope that you would have enjoyed this English Grammar Practice Set. If you have any query regarding this practice set, please feel free to get in touch with me through comment box or social media and I assure you to resolve all your queries related to the topic as soon as possible.

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