English Grammar Conditional sentences

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Here we have discussed the most important topic in English Grammar that is Conditional sentences-Type I, Type II, and Type III.

Conditional Sentences (Type I, Type II, Type III)

Conditional sentences, also known as conditional clause or if clauses, describe situation and result.

Brief overview

Type IType IIType III
(If/ unless + V. I ( Present T.) Main Clause – Will/shall + Verb IIf + V. II, (Simple past)  Main Clause- Would, should, cold, might+ Verb IIf + Past Perfect, Main Clause-Would, should, could, might+ have+ Verb III
Ex.1. If you walk fast, you will catch the bus.Ex.2.  If I won the KBC, I would buy a house.Ex.3. If I had known you were coming, I would have reached the station.

Parts of conditional sentences

1. Main clause or principal clause                                        2. Conditional clause or if-clause

The Conjunction â€˜if’ is used to express a condition. In some cases it can also be expressed by the use of unless, supposing, provided, in case etc.


  1. If he makes a promise, he keeps it.
  2. Unless she works hard, she will fail.
  3. Stay at home, in case it rains.
  4. You can stay here provided you do not spoil the premises.

Omission of subordinating conjunctions- ‘if’, ‘unless’ etc.-

Buy inversion of subject and using- ‘had’, ‘should’ ‘were’, ‘did’ etc-


  1. If you join coaching class, you can improve your English.
  2. Should you join coaching class, you can improve your English.
  3.  I would be happier if I were honest.
  4. I would be happier were I honest.
  5. If I go by aeroplane, it will be costly.
  6. Should I go by aeroplane, it will be costly.

Type 1 Probable condition

  • Refers to future time
  • It is an open condition


  1. If she helps me, I will get through.
  2. If you work hard, you will pass the exam.

If/unless clause              Main clause

(Present Tense)             ( Future Tense)

(Verb I form)                  (will/shall + Verb I form)

Note: In the above sentences the adverb clause Express conditions that may or may not be fulfilled.

Negative conditions  (Using Conjunction- ‘unless’


  1.   Unless you take a taxi, you will not reach the school in time.
  2. Unless the weather is fine, I shall not go out.

Type 2 Improbable condition (Unfulfilled Condition of the Present)

  • It is used in imaginary suppositions.
  • It is used when we don’t expect the action in the â€˜if- clause’ to take place.
  • Verb in the â€˜if – clause’-Past Tense
  • Verb in the main clause-Conditional Tense- ( would, should, could, might, + verb I form)


  1. If she asked me, I would marry her. ( But I don’t think she will ask me)
  2. If she ran all the way, she would catch the train.
  3. If I knew her mobile number, I should give it to you.

Type 3 Impossible condition (Unfulfilled Condition of the past)

  • The past action cannot be changed.
  • Verb in the â€˜if- clause’– Past Perfect Tense
  • Verb and the main clause- Perfect Conditional ( would, should, could, might, + have + Verb III form.


  1. If she had worked hard, she would have passed.
  2. If she had helped me, I should have succeeded.
  3. Had I been rich, I would have helped you.

Zero Conditionals

  • Facts or  things very likely to happen in the same way every time.
  • Present simple is used as it describes the facts.


  1. If you heat ice-cream, it melts. (If+condition+result/fact/certainty)
  2. If you eat too much, you will feel sick. (If+condition+result)
  3. If I drink too much coffee, I feel a headache.

I hope that you would have enjoyed the topic Conditional sentences. If you have any query regarding this chapter, please feel free to get in touch with me through comment box or social media and I assure you to resolve all your queries related to the topic as soon as possible.

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